Germany has many world class Universities, where lots of overseas students take admissions and study every year. Although there are lots of aspects involving in judging the quality of Germany's Universities by reputation, here is a list of the 'all time best' universities of Germany. These Universities have attracted most of the students for quite some time and are judged 'great universities' internationally: Technical University, Munich Germany University of Bonn, Germany University of Freiburg, Germany University of Goettingen, GermanyUniversity of Heidelberg, Germany University of Munich, Germany free counters

Schools in the National Universities category, such as Yale and UCLA, offer a full range of undergraduate majors, master's, and doctoral degrees. These colleges also are committed to producing groundbreaking research. Why do so many international students choose to study in the USA? This section explains what the USA education system has to offer each international student and why you should study in the US. Discussed are common misconceptions about USA study. Why are there so many top schools, colleges and universities in the USA education system?  

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